Rabbits Pull On My Heartstrings
My friend Kristin posted this picture today and I just can’t get over it! She got two giant Flemish rabbits named Honey and Fig that will get up to 24 pounds! I’m so jealous! They will be well loved in her home.
Rabbits were always my favorite as a child and though I wasn’t allowed to have a real one, I had tons of stuffed rabbits to play with.
I used to talk to them and even made up a rabbit language to communicate with them. My sister used my love of them to get me to do what she wanted lol. She could tell me a rabbit was starving and if I gave her this or that they basically wouldn’t suffer anymore. I couldn’t stand the thought of that so I’d cave.
My rabbits went on trips in the car both long and short. I took them with me on vacation to my grandparents when we would stay for a week or two. My rabbits were accumulated over my childhood and I was told on one particular trip I could only take a few. Well… I managed to smuggle as many as I could possibly hold in my arms on that trip. I didn’t want to leave any behind. (Mom helped) Lol I’m sure my Dad finally let me. Thank you Dad!
I loved them all but had some favorites. One I actually found while on vacation to my grandparents. We went into an old house that was also an antique store. There I saw Annie and she was unlike any rabbit I’d seen. She was more than a rabbit to me and is still with me to this day. You see my rabbits all had distinctive characteristics and Annie’s are many. Not the normal furry rabbit but always seemed wise from the moment I spotted her as if she’d just been standing there waiting for me.
I count myself very lucky to have loving parents that also recognized my love. These rabbits didn’t cost much but meant the world to me. Another one in a store in Hastings, one I had seen around Easter time but wasn’t allowed to get.
Then… coming downstairs on Easter morning I went into the bathroom… there was that rabbit on the toilet seat waiting for me!
There are too many stories to tell but my love of rabbits has never gone away. My Dad knows his yard is a safe haven for them and it looks like he will have new bunnies in his backyard soon. The rabbits there have come to know Dad won’t hurt them and use the same nesting areas for their babies.
I’m very blessed to have been given love from my parents that let me love on others. Mom has been gone a few years now but still sends love to all of us.
I’m including a picture of Annie also so you can see what a little girl saw at an antique store many years ago.
And who knows, maybe I’ll get to see Honey and Fig in person someday too!
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